Vendor payments and fees
Posted by Thomas Burscheid on 27 August 2011 07:15 AM

There are four options to setup the vendor fees and vendor payment options

Fees and Commissions

A. Charge a monthly fee

B. Charge a % per transaction

C. Charge a monthly fee and a % per transaction

D. Create subscription packages and limit the amount of products they can upload. So is up to you to use any combination.

Vendor Payments

The store owner can either receive all payments on behalf all vendors or allow vendors to get paid.

Please note that if you use paypal adaptive payment option, paypal splits the money between super admin and vendorse.g. An order with items from three vendors. Paypal will split the total amount of the order between the three vendors minus the commission of the store owner. With paypal adaptive enabled vendors will receive the money and store owner will get the commission from all vendors and all these with ONE transaction.

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Comments (1)
Mike Raynold
27 August 2011 07:18 AM
This is absolutely fantastic. Keep on the good work guys. Your product is amazing-
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