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Knowledgebase : IXXO Cart Multi-Vendor
Create the css class you need e.g a class for the button hover border: .MYBUTTON-HOVER-RED:HOVER{ BORDER:1PX SOLID RED!IMPORTANT; } and add this to the CUSTOM OVERRIDE file at: CONTENT/SKINS/TEMPO/CUSTOM_OVERRIDES.HTML After this just add the M...
Follow the instructions below to enable Vendor Services 1. If the vendor services feature is enabled vendors will be able to purchase an option to have a product(s) as featured and will be dynamically be displayed on the front page of the marketplace. 2...
Stripe Connect is integrated via "Standard Account Onboarding". Vendors are able to connect existing accounts to the mall's Stripe Connect account through Stripe or are prompted to create an account at Stripe, if they don't have an account yet. Payments...
With the Multi-Vendor there are three options to set up payments. 1. Super admin receives the money for all sales and manually pays the vendors minus his commission eg. weekly or at the end of the month. If this option is selected you can use any paymen...
Server Requirements: Any issues involving the installation of this software are always tied to server settings or the server does not meet the requirements listed below. Many hosting companies continue to restrict accounts in an effort to reduce custom...
Instructions on how to display an IXXO Cart module in vendor specific pages   Vendor Specific modules that can be used: 1. Vendor Information (mod_ixxocart.vendor_info) 2. Vendor Categories (mod_ixxocart.vendor_categories)   To display a certai...
The slides priority is determined by the image (slide) names. For example if you have a slideshow with 6 slides and the names of the slides are the following: abc.png dyh12hj.png 3023.png zslide.png 9slide.png kslide.png the order will be as f...
The first step to setup paypal adaptive will be to create a developer account at [] The correct sandbox url is and the test Application id is "APP-80W2844...
VENDOR JOURNALS How to setup order journals only vendor account admin.php?p=vendor_groups and admin.php?p=vendor_group You can now define vendor groups without any of the default "Vendor Privileges" but with only the "Order Journals" as "Additional...