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Knowledgebase: Design Templates
Installing design templates
Posted by Michael G.K on 30 August 2008 06:24 AM
Installing a new design template 1) Download the template package and unzip the package locally on your computer. 2) Make a backup of all cart files on the server. 3) Upload files on your server in a folder where the cart is installed. You will be overwriting existing files, make sure you have completed your backup. IXXO Cart installed 4) Login to the admin area of the cart and go to Cart Settings >> Appearance Settings 5) On the left side of the admin area click the link for "Catalog Templates". 6) In Drop-Down, select the new template name, and click Continue button. 7) Choose color scheme (Note: for VistaGreenBlack only Cart-Default scheme is available) and click Continue button. 8) Your template has been successfully loaded to your cart. | |
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