How do I create tabs?
Posted by Steve Naqvi on 12 November 2008 12:21 PM
First you need to create a product and type the description. After the product is created you will need to go back to the product search option where all products are shown. Find the product that you need to be displayed with tabs and click on the tab icon on the right. To find this icon just hover over the icons and find the icon with the tooltip that says Create Tabs.
Clicking on that icon you will be able to create the tabs.

The first tab will be called "Description" and will have the content that you have already typed when you created the product. If you want to change the tab header to another name then you have to edit it and call it what ever you like. Tabs are multilingual and you can create different tabs for each language that you already enabled.

Tabs are supported in IXXO Cart Plus version.
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