How to create mobile-friendly slideshows
Posted by Francesco Fortuna on 17 February 2021 03:10 PM

How to create mobile-friendly slideshows

Creating mobile-friendly slideshows is very easy with IXXO Cart.

Step 1: Create two different slideshows in the slideshow manager, with the same details/images one for the mobile version and one for the desktop version.
Step 2: Navigate to the Module Manager and find the two slideshows you have created on step 1.
Step 3: Edit the Slideshow of the desktop version and in the Class Suffix enter "d-none d-md-block" for v7 and "hidden-sm-down" for v6 templates and click "Save Changes".
Step 4: Edit the Slideshow of the mobile version and in the Class Suffix enter "d-block d-md-none" for v7 and "hidden-sm-up" for v6 templates and click "Save Changes".

To modify the font for each slideshow, navigate to the Slideshow Manager. Here you can add your own HTML Tags on the following fields:

  • Caption Title
  • Caption Subtitle
  • Button Text
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