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\N\NUSE {LITERAL} SMARTY TAG TO ADD GOOGLE ANALYTICS TRACKING CODE\N\N The error happens because Smarty template engine attempts to translate and interpret some keywords in Google Analytics tracking code that conflict with Smarty template delimiter syn...
Create the css class you need e.g a class for the button hover border: .MYBUTTON-HOVER-RED:HOVER{ BORDER:1PX SOLID RED!IMPORTANT; } and add this to the CUSTOM OVERRIDE file at: CONTENT/SKINS/TEMPO/CUSTOM_OVERRIDES.HTML After this just add the M...
SHOP MODULE DEVELOPER'S GUIDELINES Download the PDF attached to this post
Yes, you can get this information sent via e-mail, though we STRONGLY advise against it. For security reasons, the cart does not come ready to perform this function. To stay within VISA CISP regulations, the application will not support storing or ...
Open up your /content/skins/flat/product_style$.html file, where $ is equivalent the product style you are using (1,2,or 3) .Change the size of the zoomed area by adding zoom-width and/or zoom-height properties to rel attribute. The default size is ...
Open up your /content/skins/flat/product_style$.html file, where $ is equivalent the product style you are using (1,2,or 3) . Adjust the opacity of the square on-hover mouse effect by adding an opacity value in the rel attribute of the tag. The defaul...
You can change the colors, borders, font styles by editing MagicZoom.css file. It is located in /content/skins/*/javascript/ .  These are the 3 classes you can change: /* CSS class for zoomed area */.MagicZoomBigImageCont {border: 1px solid #9...
If you would like to add tabs similar to, you can use the instructions below. The tabs appear at the top of your site. This requires experience with HTML and stylesheets to make this work. Since this is a customization to your site, ...
For this to work you will have to create a POST comand on the external pages. First you will need to make sure that item that is posting to the cart is listed in the destination cart's database. Then you would need to add the follow code to the exte...
To change the button you will need to edit some code in the skin files for OPC.  You will want to look for code that begins as <input type="button" . In this case, we are changing the <input type="button" value="{$msg.cart.get_shipping_r...
There are 3 main tables containing information about products and categories. 1) products – there is pid field (internal product id), and cid – primary product's category id2) categories – cid – this is category i...
By default, IXXO Cart hides the child catagories to make for easier navagation. If you would show both parent and child categories please download the file below and replace box_categories_tree_item.html. Or copy and paste the changes to the existing file...
Add a caption to your zoomed image by using the title attribute in the <a> tag. Open up your /content/skins/flat/product_style$.html file, where $ is equivalent the product style you are using (1,2,or 3) .Example code:<a href="{$product.i...
The shopping cart requires any JavaScript code to be surrounded by {literal} tags for the JavaScript to work. The {literal} tag tells the smarty engine to ignore any functions between the tags. Example: {literal}alert("Welcome!");{/literal} lease ...
IXXO Cart uses the Smarty Template Engine to generate site HTML. Using the traditional <php> tag will allow php to be embedded, however they will not be escaped irregardless of the $php_handling setting. To properly embed php into your si...
If you would like to have rounded borders* for your boxes, please examine the following code from styles_template.css :The code /** BOX STYLES **/.BoxFrame{background-color:{/literal}{#ColorBoxFrame#}{literal};} Needs to be replaced with : /** B...
Edit following file and look for '{$|htmlspecialchars}'content\skins\flat\catalog.html Add following code right after '{$|htmlspecialchars}'<br>            <img s...
If you would like to modify the content style sheets manually all of the css files are located in the /skins/flat/styles folder. There you can find 3 files. 1) styles_templates.css – This is the css template file. It defines the styles ...
In order to edit the popup window for email to friend, you will need to open up your common.js file, located in /content/skins/flat/javascript/ .  If you are using a skin other than 'flat' , please adjust your pathing accordingly. Once you hav...
For navigation on catalog page changes, they can use any of the following file as a template content\skins\flat\catalog_thumb1.html content\skins\flat\catalog_thumb2.html content\skins\flat\catalog_thumb3.html content\skins\flat\catalog_text.html c...
By default IXXO Cart uses the "OR" boolean function in its search. If you want to change it to "AND," you can do so by making the following changes to the engine_functions.php page. You will need the source code to make these changes. content/...
First step is to download the file "content\engine\engine_images.php"   Then you would edit the file "content\engine\engine_images.php" that you have just downloaded.   While editing that file look for the following line of code; $w...
You will need the developer version of the cart to make this change. If you don't have this version, please contact customer service. locate the file: public_catalog.php (content/public/public_catalog.php) Make a back-up of this file and find: $m...
This is an advanced customization that only people comfortable with database management should do.  To start off, you need to make a new row in your design_elements table. Alternatively you can edit one of the existing button rows like buttonBi...
Hey this is what I did to make rss work in templates simple. Using this plugin We've added the block.rss.php to /content/smarty_plugins. Then we add these two lines below the comment in index.phpPHP Code:// loa...
If you have the license for the developer (source code), you can find the following file that have all of the functions related to localization content\engine\engine_localization.php. You will find ‘function weightToKg($weight)’ function. N...
Manufacturer logo is not getting displayed on front end of the cart. We are going to fix that issue in next version. For now you can display it on product page. Edit the product skin file which you are using currently. content\skins\flat\product_styl...
IXXO Cart version 3.6.0 will work on a standard IIS configuration, but there are known environment complications.  To overcome any errors before or after the installation of the cart, its best to modify anything on this list accordingly.&n...
Change the position of the zoomed area to either top/right/bottom/left by adding the rel attribute to your <a> tag. The default position is right. Example code:Open up your /content/skins/flat/product_style$.html file, where $ is equivalent th...
For product page cart have 3 styles. They can use any of following file as a template and modify the html to change the look.content\skins\flat\product_style1.htmlcontent\skins\flat\product_style2.htmlcontent\skins\flat\product_style3.htmlJust keep ...
To remove checkboxes from newsletters subscription box: 1) Download this file from your server and open in notepad: content/skins/flat/javascript/validators.js2) In this file, find lines 180 – 184. They will read:   &n...
In order to remove an element such as the site map from your site footer, ou can do so using the Smarty template comment style. This is accomplished by using a {* to begin and *} to end. 1) Proceed to Cart Settings >> Appearance Serttings 2) Then yo...
HOW TO CREATE MOBILE-FRIENDLY SLIDESHOWS Creating mobile-friendly slideshows is very easy with IXXO Cart. Step 1: Create two different slideshows in the slideshow manager, with the same details/images one for the mobile version and one for the desktop...
Edit contentskinsflatindex.html file Search for '{include file="boxes/box_profile.html"}' And comment the if loop around the above string For example in version 3.5.1
Contact support for details on how to replace the "Powered By IXXO".
Yes, we do provide customizations including Payment Gateways and we do support an extensive Third-Party Development Network. All of the developers within the network have knowledge of the Shopping Cart application and can assist you with any features you...
Changing for a Licensed Version of IXXO Cart to the Source Code Version of IXXO Cart 1) Get developer source code from IXXO Cart Customer Support 2) Extract all files on your local PC 3) Remove the Images and Ioncube folder from this package (fr...
Your first step in upgrading would be to issue a ticket though our support system to get the upgrade package. Make sure you tell us what version of the cart you are on so we can get you the correct upgrade package. Instructions to update your cart wi...
If you are getting this Smarty error, the Shoppig Cart is unable to write the the /content/compiled folder within the cart directory structure. Please make sure that permissions to are set correctly in the  /content/compiled folder. Se...
Before moving any site, we recommend creating a back-up of all files. Steps for site move Copy all files from old server to new server. Copy database from old server to new server. Since the new server will have new database settings, ed...
Installing a new gateway requires that you have the source code to IXXO Cart. Here are the steps to add a new gateway to our system. 1) Your gateway should have the same object-oriented interface as of the other IXXO Cart payment classes. It has to ...
How to add new payment status in admin area. Database changes ALTER TABLE ` orders` CHANGE `status` `status` ENUM('New','Abandon','Process','Backorder','Canceled','Completed','Failed','newStatus') DEFAULT 'New' NOT NULL  Edit admin_order.php ...
Attributes for the <img> tag src The URI of your small image. Required   Example: href="/images/motorbike_small.jpg"   alt The alternative description for the image (required...
Basically two tables are used for each product entry. The "products" table and the "product_description table". While the "products" table holds all the information about a product, like any settings, the "product_description" table hold only the meta, na...
Pretty much all affiliate systems will work with the cart. You will need to place the affilaite code on the completed.html page which is accessable through the File Manager >> Skins Files. Because setting up an affiliate system is ourside our ...